Tuesday, 1 November 2011

The Week That Has Been

With exams and the unholy raised levels of anxiety related to getting a Graduate Year now over, I was given a week off until my final placement. This was a time when I should've been relaxing and content with the fact that there were no assignments, exams or impending doom with figuring out Grad Year results. Fortunately for me I got my first preference - eeyay.

I think it was on Sunday when I got sick.

Maybe I got sick because my body was under the impression it could let its immune defence down during the relaxation process after being under so much stress for so long.

Maybe it was also due to the fact I went out two nights in the same week (a rare thing for me) causing me to become even more run down. It was a lot of fun at the time though...

Or, most likely, I became sick when older sister Courtney dropped by for a visit - bringing a nasty cold along with her...

It could have been a combination of things... anyway, getting sick during my one week off wasn't the most ideal way to enjoy it. It was a nasty cold too - talk about being the mucous queen for a day. Sorry, you probably didn't need to read that.

Moving on. Despite being sick, Mum and I were still able to enjoy some quality time together. We played some scrabble.

We were both very tired at the time.

Not too long after, younger sister Caity came to check up on us.

Due to my sickness I didn't really get out much. Except for a trip to the doctors to get some antibiotics. Not very exciting but at least the consultation didn't take too long. However, whilst waiting for the pharmacist to prepare my amoxicillin I received a call from the doctor I just visited.

If doctors forgetting to ask whether or not you're allergic to anything does not inspire confidence I don't know what does.

Anyway that will be all for today. I'll leave you with an image of me doing one of my favourite past-times (performed throughout most of the week that has been)... sitting in front of my bookcase - looking for a DVD to watch.

This task can take hours...

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